Demonstration of the Nishino Breathing Method and Scientific Study on Ki
S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi, Ph.D.

The Nishino Breathing Method (NBM) was founded in the 80th by Master Kozo Nishino. He was once a medical student, then studied ballet at the Metropolitan Opera Ballet School in New York and became one of the most famous ballet choreographers in Japan. After many successful years, he changed his profession and became a martial artist (an Aikido Master)  [1-3]. Through his Aikido practice, he had developed a martial art technique to knock down attackers by sending “Ki” (spiritual energy) without touching them. Master Nishino softened the technique so that anybody, men or women, young or old, can learn and enjoy. More than 20,000 students studied NBM and found out that this breathing exercise and his Ki practice improved their health conditions.

Today’s lecturer (Dr. Ohnishi) was trained at the Aikido Headquarters in Tokyo and received a black belt in 1966. He moved to Philadelphia in 1967, and taught Aikido for 30 years. In 1998, he got interested in NBM and started to learn it under Master Nishino by visiting his schools in Japan. Soon, they started scientific collaboration to find out the mechanism of why Ki has positive health effects. They published 3 collaborative papers [4-6]. Ohnishi was also interested in the possible mechanism of how Ki is transmitted from one individual to another, and move him/her without depending upon five senses (see, hear, smell, taste, and touch). He came to the conclusion that this is an “Interpersonal communication” through Ki, and published 4 papers  [7-10]. It has been believed that only talented people or specially trained martial artists can demonstrate such a Ki-power.

However, Ohnishi found that about 30 to 50% of beginners could learn the feeling of Ki in only several lessons [9].

Introduction of the lecturer:

S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi is a Ph.D. in Biophysics. He was an ex-professor at the Hahnemann University School of Medicine.

Currently, he is the director of the Philadelphia Biomedical Research Institute, and a visiting scientist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.


  1. Nishino K: The Breath of Life: Using the Power of Ki for Maximum Vitality. Tokyo, New York, London: Kodansha International; 1997.

2. Nishino K: Le Souffle de Vie, Utiliser le Pouroir du Ki. Paris: Guy TRedaniel Editeur; 1998.

3. Nishino K: Il Respiro Della Vita, La massima vitalita dalla forza del Ki, Esercizi di Respirazione facili, effieaci, completamente illustrati. Rome, Italy: Edizioni Mediterranee, Via Flaminia; 1999.

4. Ohnishi ST, Ohnishi T, Nishino K, Tsurusaki Y, Yamaguchi M: Growth inhibition of cultured human carcinoma cells by Ki-energy (Life Energy): Scientific study of Ki-effect on cancer cells. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2005, 2:387-393.

5. Ohnishi ST , Ohnishi T, Nishino K: Ki- Energy (Life-Energy) Protects Isolated Mitochondria from Oxidative Injury. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2006, 3:475-482.

6. Ohnishi ST, Nishino K, Uchiyama K, Yamaguchi M: Ki-energy (Life-energy) stimulates osteoblastic cells and inhibits the formation of osteoclast-like cells in bone cell cultured models. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2007, 4:225-232.

7. Ohnishi ST, Ohnishi T: Review: The Nishino Breathing Method and Ki-energy (Life-energy): A challenge to traditional scientific thinking. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2006, 3:191-200.

8. Ohnishi ST: Ki: a key to transform the century of death to the century of life. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2007, 4:287-292.

9. Ohnishi ST, Ohnishi T: Philosophy, psychology, physics and practice of Ki. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2009, 6:175-183.

10. Ohnishi ST, Ohnishi T: How Far Can Ki-energy Reach?–A Hypothetical Mechanism for the Generation and Transmission of Ki-energy. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2009, 6:379-391.